Yes we are home but I wanted to make one last blog about out last few days and our trip home. We stayed for the eclipse on August 21. It was fun to share that amazing experience with the missionaries we have come to love and enjoy. It was a 96% eclipse on the ranch and was exciting for all of us as we had one final barbecue together and shared eclipse glasses and welding helmet. We had stayed in the addies the last two nights as our home on wheels had already moved to it's new home in Salt Lake.
The cows sending us off for the last time. |
Opening and locking the gate for the last time |
farewell DL&L |
We left the ranch right after the eclipse and it was kind of sad opening and closing the gate to the ranch for the last time. We were packed to the hilt so we had Elder and Sister McDowell take our handcart wheel home with them. They also live in Mesa so we will get to see them.
AHHHH the eclipse |
Elder and Sister Howard with his welding helmet |
Back: McDowells, Howards, Bartons, Ekins, Andersons,
Front: Calls, Pearts |
Our wheel on the McDowells' mission home. They said it turned a lot of heads! |
Now at its permanent home in Mesa Arizona |
We drove to Blanding Utah that first night and stayed in an interesting motel that we had to change rooms after about 2 hours when water came pouring through the ceiling in our bathroom. On Tuesday the 22 we headed out through the reservation on our way to Snowflake to help our daughter wire the home they are building. A few miles east of Greasewood, Arizona, Bob needed to make a cowboy stop. Mind you, this is in the middle of the reservation with nothing in sight. As we pulled off the truck immediately sunk to the axles in mud and we were super stuck. We called AAA to send a tow truck and it took forever for them to figure out where we were. They said it would be 45 minutes but it turned out to be 2 hours. It was hot but we were grateful we had cell service. We made a few phone calls to family as we waited. When the truck arrived he had us out in 5 minutes. He was super nice. We had had 4 or 5 Indians stop to help us but we were so stuck it took a tow truck to pull us out.
Cowboy stop near Greasewood AZ |
Tow truck to the rescue |
We got to Snowflake later than we had planned but did get the job started and then had a great night sleep in Snowflake followed by a full day on Wednesday to really get the job moving. We were able to finish the house the next Monday as we were so ready to go home to Mesa on Wednesday night and sleep in our own bed.
Bob wiring Val and Daves' house in Snowflake |
Bob, Dave, and Valerie at work! |
So that brings to a close one of the best chapters of our lives. We will always cherish the memories and friendships we mad while serving as missionaries at the Deseret Land and Livestock Trek mission. The Lord has truly blessed us and our families as we have tried to serve Him and His children.
As we ride off into the sunset......truly Happy Trails! |
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