We got good news on Monday that our sweet Betsy was going home!
Betsy celebrating the good news she gets to go home!
The Richens family came and did our Family Home Evening on the Second Rescue that they were involved with in the Riverton Stake. It was very interesting how the Lord works to get His work done.
Tuesday was another "port a john" Tuesday but this time we were putting into winter storage all those that will no longer be used. It was a longer day of work moving johns and handcarts, so at the end of the day the missionaries decided to go to Taggert's for dinner to celebrate the three missionary birthdays this month. Bob, Elder Ekins and Sister McDowell are our August birthdays. It is also our sweet granddaughters birthday. Alea turned 17 on the first. Taggert's have the best macaroons, and carrot cake and I have to admit we did indulge. They have beautiful grounds with peacocks walking around.
Bob by one of the water buffalo One of the groups taped a picture of a buffalo to the tank. Cute |
Wednesday we welcomed the 210 trekkers from the Kearns Central Stake to go with us and Elder and Sister Peart on trail 28 which is about 23 miles in length. They had trekkers from 12-72 years old!
Sister Jan and Elder Dennis Peart. They are also the directors at DL&L so fun to finally trek with them! |
Kearns came in buses and chose their families in staging. They also had lunch before leaving at 1:30. That is quite late to get out and it was pretty hot. Each trek is so different, challenging, and inspirational. We have learned over the past 17 treks, it is what it is, blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape. These guys moved pretty slow and were quite spread out with their 12 carts. They had large families, but the main issue was their stake president had invited any adults who wanted to come and just walk to do so. We had 50 walkers not assigned to families and many of them really struggled. We made it! It was Bob's birthday and they all sang to him. It was sweet. The missionaries also sang to him early in the morning and Sister Call decorated our trailer.
Bob by his birthday trailer |
Kearns Central Stake singing Happy Birthday to one touched missionary |
Our first camp was in McFarland and it was full of cows. Bob was known last year as the cow magnet so I guess it was appropriate for our last trek. There were thousands of cows and they actually were running between our spread out carts. They were lulled to sleep by the "mooing" of the cows!
A small heard of antelope with their young ones. |
Thursday the 3rd, was the womens pull. I don't love this trail because you have to trek about 3 miles to get to the pull. It started at about 12:30 so it was quite warm but we did have a nice breeze. We got into camp 3 at Sutton, no cows! They had a lot of pioneer activities. While they were playing, Sister Peart and I helped to cook the potatoes, onions, and bacon. It was a hot job but we got to get acquainted with the kitchen help. One of the games they were playing got a bit out of hand and knocked over one of our large containers of cooked potatoes. OH! We just kept cooking. One of their kitchen help had connections and about half of their food was donated. Some was good and some was.........not so good.
Debra the 'Hot happy' cook |
good action shot of the stick pull |
Bob did his last pony express and did a great job. It was a tough crowd but he did get them laughing.
BOB with Brother Larsen the trail boss. His last pony express with his trusty thoroughboard Sliver! |
Friday we left the key to the side by side in the support truck so I walked at the back and told the kids they had to walk because otherwise I would have to carry them. Surprise, they all made into the port-a-john stop in Francis and I did not have to carry anyone. It was quite windy and when we got to camp they had a fun time of putting up their tarps in the wind. We had some good hills to pull, Francis and the power line. The kids always love the steep down hills. We stayed in Shearing Hollow camp where there is still a stream running through the camp from the wet winter. The kids could not stay away and loved catching the frogs. We had a hoe down that night and Bob and I got to dance because they had a paid caller come in. The groups always love the dancing and it is amazing to see their energy go up as they dance.
heading down the last hill along the power line. trail 28 |
a nice shot of trekkers just starting down Todd's Hollow |
Saturday we walked out. Overall this was a good group, but they did have a lot of needy kids, both real and perceived. We had lots of passengers in the side by side and slow going handcarts. Our trail bosses Brother and Sister Larsen were great to work with.
Crashed weary trekkers waiting for their buses..Anywhere you can find shade. |
This trekker wore his seat cushion on him |
We got things put away, the trucks and side by sides washed, the water buffalo vacuumed and cleaned and then we crashed. I don't know if knowing this was our last trek was the cause or if we are just tuckered out, but we had a good long sleep last night.
An amazing sunrise at the start of another beautiful trekking day! |
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