The Fourth of July kind of changed our schedule around, so Monday we did port a jons and Tuesday we took for our preparation day. Some of the missionaries took a handcart to Woodruff to march in their small town parade. Bob and I played our harmonicas "Come, Come Ye Saints" as we covered the three block route down their main street (which is also the main highway through town). We missed our third harmonica as my brother, Steve, was not there this year. We then turned around in the church parking lot and walked back the same way dodging horse apples (as Daddy would say) The Call's grand kids threw out candy and the little ones rode in the handcart. That night we went up on the hills over Evanston to watch fireworks. They start before dark and go for 3 hours, 360 degrees all around the city. Fireworks are legal in Wyoming and you can tell by the show. A fun memory for sure!
Woodruff Fourth of July Parade 2017 |
With Elder and Sister McDowell in front of "Mater" from the movie Cars |
We trekked with Elder and Sister Anderson from the Heber Valley with the Somerset Ward from Farmington, Utah on trail 7. It was way fun with only 55 people and 5 handcarts. Small treks are so fun because you get to now the kids and leaders better. I only wish my mind could remember all of them, but I know that one day we will be able to recall those names. More important, however, is that we will always remember the people and the experiences we had together even if the names slip our minds.
The lead handcart of the Somerset Ward |
They fed us so well! One of their three doctors loves to cook and we ate like you would in a five star restaurant! We had smoked brisket with yummy baked beans and real macaroni and cheese. The next night we had garlic crusted pork loin with raspberry chipolte sauce, dutch oven potatoes, and real green beans. The last night we had teriyaki chicken, rice, and green salad. He also made the best biscuits and gravy I have ever tasted.......YUMMMMMM! As you can tell we enjoyed the food.
On Thursday night we brought in Richard Benedict to do a fireside for them. He played the part of the older Ephraim Hanks in the movies, 17 Miracles and Ephraim's Rescue. He has also done lots of work for the church in their productions. He did a great job and the kids were hanging on his every word.
Richard Benedict aka Ephraim Hanks |
Friday we had one of the scariest things that I can remember when a freaky wind, micro burst, tornado, whatever you want to call it, hit our camp. There are no trees on this part of the ranch so wards and stakes bring EZ up shade canopies to sit under . We do get lots of wind bursts but this was like no other. We know to grab the legs when one hits but this was unbelievable. They had 7 or 8 set up and were fixing dinner and just visiting and sitting in the makeshift shade. When it hit I yelled "grab a leg"......well I, Debra, did. I know what Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz felt like. It literally picked me up out of my chair, and poles, broken and intact, kitchen knives and utensils, chairs, hats, everything tied down or not went flying. I landed on my back some 5-6 feet after flying through the air hanging onto the EZ ups. There was so much destruction in a matter of seconds it was unbelievable. It was so focused on just that one spot. There was no dust, and most of the tents did not even move. My first thought was to see who had been hit with all the flying debris. When I got up there was one of the young ladies crying with blood all over her face. She had been hit in the mouth and required 8 stitches to close it up. Another young lady was hit by a flying pole on the leg and had ice on it all night. One of the Ma's also got hit by a flying pole but was OK. I have quite a few bruises on my right arm and elbow but the amazing thing was I didn't feel them too much till things settled down a bit. I did feel the jars and sore muscles the next day and still do, but it is getting better. This is the miracle! It is unbelievable that more people were not injured badly and very fortunate that their main Doctor, not the cook, was able to take care of every thing right there in camp.. Debra called the hoedown and the kids had a great time. Their testimony meeting was amazing that night.
left is Sophie our injured leg and right is Hannah with her sore swollen face. |
The Bulls are now out with the cows and we had to walk right through one of the herds. The bulls were doing what bulls do and I overheard one of the "Pa's" say to their trek family, "if any of you have questions, talk to your real Ma and Pa" I just had to giggle.
full moon rising in Wyoming sky |
We have been watching a Killdeer nest just behind our trailer. Their nests are on the ground and if you get too close they really set up a fuss. Well the eggs hatched this week so we got to see the little ones running around. One egg took a few more days to hatch, but hatch it did and now they are gone. I don't know if it is a mother-father thing but two birds took turns sitting on the nest and watching over the little ones as they ran around the ground before they took off.
Our two killdeer birds guarding their nest |
the last egg, it is black spotted and looks just like a rock |
one of the four baby killdeer birds. It's easy to loose them in the rocks! |
A bluebird built her nest on one of the trailer hitches and the little one was so fun to watch as he learned to fly. The blue is just beginning to show on the ends of his feathers.
our bluebird checking out his wings |
We are now under burn restrictions on the ranch and it has really dried out. I can't believe what a few weeks without rain does! There is still a lot of water and mud around that was never there till this year. We will experience that next week as we take to trail 28.
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