Tuesday was a day learning the final things we need to know to help our trek groups have a fun, safe, but challenging trek. We spent the day filling the water buffalo's (6 of them hold 500 gallons and1 holds 750 gallons). At 8 pounds per gallon these buffalo's are a trial to pull around on the dirt roads on the ranch. But they are a necessity for eating and keeping people hydrated. Our 1st trek had 186 people on it and they used about 1000 gallons of water over 4 days. No bathing or shampooing is allowed.
500 gallon water buffalo. They fill with the spickets at the back |
We started trekking on Wednesday morning, our 186 trekkers used 15 handcarts and had a 7 vehicle support group. The trek group was from the Utah Granite View Stake and we had Elder and Sister Binkerhoff (Emmett, ID) with us. The support vehicles pull camping equipment, food, cooking equipment, porta johns, water and medical. Each group has at least 1doctor and a 1 nurse assigned to take care of health issues. We had a healthy group with only blister care including Elder Barton who someone told wearing nylons under your socks was a good idea - It did not work for me - so I have sworn off wearing nylons!!! We had one 14 year old girl who came with flu symptoms and ended up having 4 IV's on her third day. She finished the trek strong. One of the coincidences , NO, miracles for us was; We fixed our own lunch on the 1st day of the trek and not knowing whether they would feed us lunch on the 2nd day, Debra asked me if I wanted my favorite turkey and swiss sandwich, and for some reason I told her just to make me a peanut butter and honey to carry with us. We stopped the trek for lunch and one of the adult leaders comes up to the cooking staff and says - we have an autistic girl that will not eat anything but peanut butter - the cooking staff said the only thing we brought for the trekkers is chicken salad wraps. I said to myself, out loud of course, hey I have a peanut butter and honey sandwich, if you'll trade. She said deal. I asked a little bit later if our autistic girl ate it and was told that it was perfect right down to the white bread. Yeah!
Utah Granite View Stake. Flags flying |
Our first trekkers June 8-11. Utah Granite View Stake |
Debra celebrated her 64th birthday on Friday by waking up to a decorated trailer and Sister Cowan, our trek director, playing Happy Birthday on her Kazoo. When we joined the trekkers our water buffalo driver, Ronnie, announced to the camp that it was my birthday and they all sang to me. He did the same thing at lunch and dinner.........I have never had so many people sing happy birthday in one day in 64 years.
Debra by her birthday trailer |
Well it is spring on the ranch. Baby birds, antelope, and mosquitoes are ever present. The birds and antelope are quite cute. The mosquitoes are obnoxious. Were told that they tend to lessen after a couple of weeks. You will not believe how close we have been able to get to each of these. In fact I don't believe I will ever get closer to an antelope in my life, see video. We also have a resident buck antelope, Redick, who thinks his home is among our trailers.
Redick, our resident antelope |
4 hungry baby birds in "Christy's" pavillion |
Our trek ended on Saturday with a live band and pizza (a little over the top for us, we would have wished that the band had not been there) before loading there buses and sending this great and changed trek group back to there homes and the world. The change that comes over each person that endures the hardships of a 25 mile trek is amazing. They get here with anticipation and energy and leave tired, dirty and filled with the pioneer spirit.
We have a missionary choir that Debra is the director of. We sang Sally DeFord's, "To Those Who Came Before Me" in a Evanston, WY ward this morning. It is a beautiful song reminding us of our pioneer heritage, and it went very well.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEBRA!! Sounds like they made it FUN for you! GOOD!!! Ü Love the birds and animals pictures and the video…. Mosquitoes….not to fun…. : /