Our week started with a fireside on Sunday night with cowboy and gospel artist Clark Kelly Price. He was amazing and has painted many beautiful pictures and told us some of the background stories to some of his paintings.
Clark Kelly Price and Debra His artwork is amazing |
One of our favorites |
We were in charge of Family Home Evening this week and we all watched
Once I Was A Beehive. We all
had some good laughs.
We then made a trip to the Payson Temple on Tuesday. A much needed break from the hard labor we have been doing. It was also a great spiritual refresher for us. We ate in Santaquin, and each entree included a scone, they were 15 inches long with a 1000 calorie cup of honey butter each. Didn't need the entree after trying to eat the scone.
May 17, 2016 at the Payson Utah temple |
Wednesday was a big work day. Debra and the sisters went to the freeway exit to the DL&L property and picked up trash. Debra spent the remainder of the day trying to forget the sights and smells of the stuff they picked up. Two full pickup truck loads full of everything from a discarded mattress to dirty diapers and any other gross thing you can imagine. Bob got lucky and spent the morning trimming and mowing the lawns around the Depot. The afternoon wasn't quite so lucky however, re riveting porta johns back together. We no doubt will have a phobia regarding porta johns for the rest of our lives. We then had a hotdog roast in our coats and played some rally fun trek games, Chicken Taco Boom, and Big Booty. Can't wait to play them with family and friends.
Thursday we had a visit from our just released and our newly sustained Area 70 leaders. Elder Summerhays (who called us on this mission) and Elder Durham. It was a very enjoyable meeting with lots of spiritual insights and promises. At 10:30 am my cell phone rang and we went and met our 3rd trek review. It went very smoothly (we must be getting the hang of this, a little bit any way), lasted about 3 hours driving around the 26 mile trek their youth will be taking with us. At about 3pm we loaded up in 3 trucks and drove one of the 3 escape routes off of the property in case of a fire. 29 miles of some of the most beautiful country you have ever seen, but it was so bumpy and twisty it felt like it was 129 miles!!! Hope we never have to use it. We came out of Croyden Canyon onto I-84 and then went to dinner at Taggart, very good food!! Thankfully we drove back on the freeways.
Friday we went back to work on the upstairs of the Trek center covering the ductwork so that if we have to bring any group in during a lightning storm they won't crush the heat ducts. We are also preparing to build a furnace room. We are attaching to cement block on the backside and building 2x4 walls on the front and top. It has been fun working together. We then learned another hoedown dance and how to call it when we need to do that on the treks. It rained all night and blew something fierce.
Saturday we started the day with our 4th and final trek review. Unfortunately for the group we could only drive about 2/3's of the route because of mud. It started to snow really hard on the way up the women's pull which ends on top of a hill with a building called the Rat Shack. We finished the review in a blizzard and hope the group got home safely.
Rat Shack in the blizzard May 19, 2016 |
We then did a carbon copy of Friday upstairs in the trek center. As we promised last week a picture of our completed handcart, wheels and all!
Our completed handcart |
Today, Sunday, we went into Evanston for church, had our group dinner and wrote this blog. Oh snowy DL&L. You can experience all four seasons in one day!
Today May 22, 2016 Our snowy home |
We are keeping warm with a borrowed space heater as we were told our propane will run out today. Oh the joys of trailer living. We actually have it very nice.